PHP Manual

실행시 설정

이 함수의 작동은 php.ini 설정에 영향을 받습니다.

Mongo 설정 옵션
이름 기본값 가변성 변경점
mongo.default_host "localhost" PHP_INI_ALL
mongo.default_port 27017 PHP_INI_ALL
mongo.auto_reconnect 0 PHP_INI_SYSTEM
mongo.allow_persistent 1 PHP_INI_SYSTEM
mongo.max_persistent -1 PHP_INI_SYSTEM
mongo.max_connections -1 PHP_INI_SYSTEM
mongo.chunk_size 262144 PHP_INI_SYSTEM

PHP_INI_* 모드에 대한 상세와 정의는 환경 설정을 바꿀 수 있는 곳를 참고하십시오.

위 설정 지시어에 대한 간단한 설명입니다.

mongo.default_host string

Default hostname. "localhost" is recommended.

mongo.default_port string

The default TCP port number to use when connecting to the database server if no other port is specified. The database's default is 27017.

mongo.auto_reconnect bool

Whether to reconnect to the database if the connection is lost.

mongo.allow_persistent bool

If persistent connections are allowed.

mongo.max_persistent int

The number of simultaneous persistent connections to allow. -1 allows unlimited persistent connections.

mongo.max_connections int

The number of simultaneous connections to allow. -1 allows unlimited connections.

mongo.chunk_size int

The number of bytes-per-chunk. Used in divvying up GridFS files. This number must be at least 100 less than 4 megabytes (max: 4194204) and it is recommended that it be less than that.

PHP Manual